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IKONG 952 Compatible Replacement for HP 952XL Ink cartridges Combo Pack for HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 8720 8740 8730 7740 8210 8715 8216 8725 8702 Printer (4-Pack)

Electronics & Office

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Product Description

  • 1. Contents: Compatible Replacement for hp 952 952xl ink cartridges ( 1 Black, 1 Cyan, 1 Magenta, 1 Yellow )
  • 2. Compatible with: HP OfficeJet Pro 8710 8720 8730 8740 7740 8210 8715 8216 8702 8725 8716 8728 8200 8218 8210 8726 8727 8734 8735 8736 8743 8744 8745 8746 Printer
  • 3. Page Yield: about 2,000 Pages per black, about 1,600 Pages per color pack base on 5% printing coverage on A4 paper
  • 4. Remaining 952 Ink cartridges levels accurately reported for related printers
  • 5. CERTIFICATES: ISO-9001 and MSDS certificate approved. Our product will be strictly inspected before leaving the factory. With the newest chip can fit the newest printer firmware