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Ab Stimulator

Sports & Outdoors

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Product Description

  • Abs Stimulator : HOW IT WORKS - In order to help you get in the best shape of your life, our team has designed the ultimate training device: a muscle toner and stimulator that allows you to lose fat and workout your muscles from the comfort of your home. The vibration and micro-current technology, as well as the intelligent adjustment are just the right ingredients in order to get the best product for easy and performant trainings.
  • Ab Belt: EASY TO USE - All you have to do in order to get the perfect abs is to place the belt on your abs, choose one of the training modes and enjoy. There is no professionally assistance required or extra steps that you have to take. And, in order to make sure you will never skip the workout, we have made the belt light weighted and easy to carry around with you.
  • Ab Stimulator: NO MORE LONG HOURS AT THE GYM - Being a busy and modern person with a constantly crowded schedule, you probably think that achieving that sculpted body is impossible since you don’t have the time to go to the gym. The solution is simple: 15 minutes of the device twice a day and you are going to see the results on your abs in no more than 3 months.
  • Flex Belt: SAFETY IN EVERYTHING - With the stimulating belt, you never have to worry about safety since not only do you not need a professional trainer to use it, but it is harmless for everybody. The 2019 new technology provides with vibrations that work your muscles and help you get in the shape you want in no time.
  • Muscle Toner: SCULPT YOUR BODY - Losing weight is no fun at all with complicated diets and maybe even starving yourself, but the worst part is that, even though you may be able to drop a few pounds, you will not gain any muscle. The stimulating belt allows you to train your abdominal muscles and sculpt your body just the way you want it.